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1 - In Defense of History (2 MB)
In Defense of History
E.Meiksins Wood 외 지음
출판사 - aakar books
초판일 - 2006-01-01
ISBN - 9788187879763
조회수 : 993

● 목 차

1: Introduction

Ellen Meiksins Wood/What Is the "Postmodern" Agenda? = 1

2: Postmodernism And Intellectuals

Terry Eagleton/Where Do Postmodernists Come From? = 17
David Mcnally/Language, History, And Class Struggle = 26
Francis Mulhern/The Politics Of Cultural Studies = 43
Aijaz Ahmad Interviewed I: Culture, Nationalism, and The Role Of Intellectuals = 51
Bryan D. Palmer: Old Positions/New Necessities: History, Class, and Marxist Metanarrative = 65
Meera Nanda/Against Social De(Con)Struction Of Science: Cautionary Tales From The Third World = 74

3: Postmodernism And Movements

Aijaz Ahmad Interviewed II: Issues Of Class And Culture = 97
Kenan Malik: The Mirror Of Race: Postmodernism And The Celebration Of Difference = 112
Carol A. Stabile: Postmodernism, Feminism, And Marx: Notes From The Abyss = 134
John Bellamy Foster/ Marx And The Environment = 149
Daniel Nugent/Northern Intellectuals And The EZLN = 163
Fredric Jameson/Five Theses On Actually Existing Marxism = 175

4 : Afterword

John Bellamy Foster: In Defense Of History = 184
Contributors = 195


책 소개

During World War I, Oswald Spengler wrote his famous and distasteful book, The Decline of the West, proclaiming that Western Civilization and its dominant values were coming to an end. The bonds and traditions that had held society together were decomposing, the solidarities of life disintegrating, together with the unity of thought and culture. Like every other civilization that had gone through its natural cycle, he argued, the West had inevitably passed from its autumn of (an already destructive) “illumination" or "enlightenment" to a winter of individualism and cultural nihilism.
About four decades later, C. Wright Mills announced that "We are at the ending of what is called The Modern Age." This age "is being succeeded by a post-modern period," in which all the historic expectations that have characterized "Western culture" are no longer relevant. The Enlightenment faith in the united progress of reason and freedom, together with the two principal ideologies grounded in that faith-liberalism and socialism- "have virtually collapsed as adequate explanations of the world and of ourselves." J.S. Mill and Karl Marx were equally outdated.
Between these two announcements of epochal decline, one published in 1918, the other in 1959, there are, of course, great ideological differences- the antidemocratic sentiments of Spengler as against the radicalism of Mills, Spengler's hostility (or at least ambivalence) toward the Enlightenment, as against Mills's continuing, if somewhat hopeless, adherence to Enlightenment values. But there is also a catastrophic intervening history of depression, war, and genocide, followed by the promise of material prosperity, the one exceeding humanity's worst fears to date, the other its most visionary hopes.----from the inside of this book


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