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From Marx to Gramsci
Paul Le Blanc 지음
출판사 - Humanities Press
초판일 - 1996-00-00
ISBN - 9780391039605
조회수 : 2126

● 목 차

Preface = ix
Acknowledgments = xiii


1 The Revolutionary Marxist Synthesis = 2
2 Theory of Capitalist Development = 24
3 Theory of the Labor Movement = 44
4 The Strategy of Revolution = 67
5 The Conception of the Transition to Socialism = 83
6 Does Revolutionary Marxism Have a Future? = 100


Marx and Engels
Introductory Note = 124
READING #1 Manifesto of the Communist Party (excerpts) = 127
READING #2 “Marx’s Capital" = 146
READING #3 "Inaugural Address of the International Workingmen’s Association" = 152
READING #4 “The Hague Congress of the IWA” = 159

Introductory Note = 161
READING #5 “Stagnation and Progress of Marxism” = 163
READING #6 “Reform or Revolution?” (excerpts) = 168
READING #7 “Mass Strike, Political Party and Trade Union” (excerpts) = 183
READING #8 “On Imperialism” (excerpt from the Junius Pamphlet) = 190
READING #9 “Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle” =192

Introductory Note
READING #10 “The Urgent Tasks of Our Movement” = 201
READING #11 “The Revolutionary Proletariat and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” (excerpt) = 205
Reading #12 “The State” = 208
READING #13 “Letters from Afar” (excerpts) = 222

Introductory Note = 236
READING #14 “In Defense of the Russian Revolution” = 239
READING #15 The Revolution Betrayed (excerpt) = 260
READING #16 “The USSR and the Problems of the Transitional Epoch” = 263
READING #17 “Letter to the Workers of the USSR” = 265
READING #18 “What Next? Vital Questions for the German Proletariat” (excerpts) = 268
READING #19 “The Transitional Program” (excerpts) = 272

Introductory Note = 281
Reading #20 “Real Dialectics” = 284
Reading #21 “What Is to Be Done?” = 285
Reading #22 “Leader” = 288
READING #23 “Once Again on the Organic Capacities of the Working Class” = 291
READING #24 Prison Notebooks: “The Modern Prince” (excerpts) = 295
READING #25 Prison Notebooks: “State and Civil Society” (excerpt) = 315

Annotated Bibliography = 323
Index = 341


책 소개

The readings collected here—of Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Antonio Gramsciᅳreflect the experience of the labor, socialist and communist movements that did so much to shape modern history. A dedication to working-class revolution gives coherence to the influential philosophical, economic, sociological, and historical works of these writers. Key political concepts emerge from the vibrant selections offered in this reader: working-class independence, class consciousness, trade unionism, a labor party, international solidarity, revolution vs. reformism, the relation of democracy to socialism, the vanguard party, permanent revolution, the working-class struggle for cultural hegemony, and more. Never before have substantial political works by these authors been brought together in a single volume.
Paul Le Blanc’s introductory essay probes the structure and dynamics of Marxism as a political orientation, tracing connections among components that can be found in the readings: the theory of capitalist development, the theory of the labor movement, the strategy of revolution, the conception of the transition to socialism. Others identified with the Marxist traditionᅳsuch as Plekhanov, Kautsky, Stalin, Maoᅳare also discussed, and attention is given to perspectives of such varied critics of Marxism as Sidney Hook, Bertram D. Wolfe, James Burnham, Daniel Bell, Robert Heilbroner, and C. Wright Mills. Historical reflections are blended with discussion of the durability of capitalism, the disappointment of hopes for workers' revolution, the "collapse of communism," issues of race and gender, the environment, and challenges of the twenty-first century.
Paul Le Blanc is co-editor with Scott McL.emee of C. L. R. James and Revolutionary Marxism (1993) and author of Lenin and the Revolutionary Party (1990) and Permanent Revolution in Nicaragua (1984).-----from inner part of this book.


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