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1 - On Colonialism (2 MB)
On Colonialism
Marx Engels 지음
출판사 - Progress publishers
초판일 - 1978-01-01
조회수 : 1990

● 목 차

Publishers' Note = 9
Manifesto of the Communist Party (Excerpts). By Karl Marx and Frederick Engels = 12


First International Review (Excerpt). By Karl Marx and Frederick
Engels = 17
Revolution in China and in Europe. By Karl Marx = 19
India. By Karl Marx = 27
Sir Charles Wood’s East Indian Reforms. By Karl Marx = 30
The British Rule in India. By Karl Marx = 35
India. By Karl Marx = 42
The East India Company-Its History and Results. By Karl Marx = 45
The Indian Question一Irish Tenant Right. By Karl Marx = 54
The Government of India. By Karl Marx = 61
The East India Question. By Karl Marx = 70
War In Burma. By Karl Marx = 75
India. By Karl Marx = 77
The Future Results of the British Rule in India. By Karl. Marx = 81
Anglo-Persian War. By Karl Marx = 88
The British Quarrel with China. By Karl Marx = 91
The War Against Persia. By Karl Marx = 97
Parliamentary Debates on the Chinese Hostilities. By Karl Marx = 101
The Coming Election in England. By Karl Marx = 107
English Ferocity in China. By Karl Marx = 112
The New English Expedition in China. By Frederick Engels = 116
Persia and China. By Frederick Engels = 120
The Persian Treaty. By Karl Marx = 126
The Revolt in the Indian Army. By Karl Marx = 130
The Revolt in India. By Karl Marx = 134
The Indian Question. By Karl Marx = 138
Afghanistan (Excerpt). By Frederick Engels = 143
The Indian Revolt By Karl Marx = 152
Algeria (Excerpt). By Frederick Engels = 156
Investigation of Tortures in India. By Karl Marx = 162
British Incomes in India. By Karl Marx = 168
The Approaching Indian Loan. By Karl Marx =173
Details of the Attack on Lucknow. By Frederick Engels = 177
The Annexation of Oudh. By Karl Marx = 184
Lord Canning’s Proclamation and Land Tenure in India. By Karl Marx = 191
The British Army in India. By Frederick Engels = 195
The British Government and the Slave-Trade. By Karl Marx = 199
Taxes in India. By Karl Marx = 204
The Indian Bill. By Karl Marx = 210
The Opium Trade. By Karl Marx = 214
The Opium Trade. By Karl Marx = 218
The Anglo-Chinese Treaty. By Karl Marx = 222
Question of the Ionian Islands. By Karl Marx = 227
The New Chinese War (I, II, III, IV). By Karl Marx 232
The British Cotton Trade (Excerpt). By Karl Marx = 250
The British Government and the Fenian Prisoners. By Karl Marx = 253
Confidential Communication (Excerpt). By Karl Marx = 258
From Excerpts to the Work: History of Ireland. By Frederick Engels = 261
About the Irish Question. By Frederick Engels = 262
England in 1845 and 1885 (Excerpt). By Frederick Engels = 266
Protection and Free Trade (Excerpt). By Frederick Engels = 267


Ireland (Excerpt from Capital, Vol. I,Chapter XXV). By Karl Marx = 273
Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist (Chapter XXXI of Capital, Vol. I). By Karl Marx = 291
Historical Facts About Merchant’s Capital (Excerpt from Chapter XX of Capital, Vol. III). By Karl Marx = 304
England’s Balance of Trade (Excerpt from Capital, Vol.III, Chapter XXXV). By Karl Marx = 307
Supplement to Capital, Volume III (Excerpt) By Frederick Engels = 308


Marx to Engels, June 2, 1853 = 311
Engels to Marx, June 6, 1853 = 312
Marx to Engels, June 14, 1853 = 313
Engels to Marx, May 23, 1856 = 316
Marx to Engels, January 14, 1858 = 319
Marx to Engels, (October 8,) 1858 = 320
Marx to Engels, November 20, 1865 = 322
Engels to Marx, December 1, 1865 = 323
Marx to Engels, November 2, 1867 = 324
Mane to Engels, November 30, 1867 = 325
Marx to L. Kugelmann, April 6, 1868 = 327
Engels to Marx, October 24, 1869 = 329
Marx to L. Kugelmann, November 29, 1869 = 330
Marx to Engels, December 10, 1869 = 332
Engels to Marx, January 19, 1870 =334
Marx to S. Meyer and A. Vogt, April 9, 1870 = 335
Marx to N. F. Danielson, February 19, 1881 = 340
Engels to E. Bernstein, August 9, 1882 = 341
Engels to K. Kautsky, September 12, 1882 =342
Engels to K. Kautsky, September 18, 1883 = 343
Engels to A. Bebel, January 18, 1884 = 344
Engels to K. Kautsky, February 16, 1884 = 345
Engels to N. F. Danielson, September 22, 1892 = 346
Engels to K. Kautsky, September 23, 1894 = 347
Engels to F. A. Sorge, November 10, 1894 = 348

Notes = 349
Name Index = 366


책 소개

In the articles collected in this volume Karl Marx and Frederick Engels deal with the history of colonialism, provide a strictly scientific, Marxist analysis of the economic causes behind the predatory colonial policy of the capitalist states, lay bare the links between colonialism and capitalism and expose the monstrous exploitation of the colonial peoples by Great Britain, France and other capitalist states. In articles on the national-liberation movement of the oppressed peoples they show the great historic significance of this movement and its prospects.
Most of these articles were written in the 1850s when mighty popular anti-colonialist movements developed in Asia.
In 1853 Marx wrote a series of articles on India for the progressive American newspaper New York Daily tribune.
Tearing the mask off “the profound hypocrisy and inherent barbarism of bourgeois civilisation”, Marx showed in these articles that at all its stages British policy towards India was determined exclusively by the mercenary interests of the British ruling classes. “The British Rule in India”, “The Government of India” and other articles give a stunning picture of How the colonialists oppressed and ruined the Indian people. “There cannot remain any doubt but that the misery inflicted by the British on Hindustan,” Marx pointed out, “is of an infinitely more intensive kind than all Hindustan had to suffer before.”---from the inside of this book.


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